Click here to find your Representative’s office to request support of H.R. 1124 - the bill asking that May be designated Brain Tumor Action Month.
SPEAK UP FOR BRAIN TUMOR PATIENTS. Join the North American Brain Tumor Coalition in Washington, D.C. on May 5 and 6, 2008, to press the case for brain tumor research and care.
Despite the efforts of some of the world’s finest researchers to develop better therapies, individuals who are diagnosed with brain tumors still do not have adequate treatment choices. In fact, the outlook for brain tumor patients has not improved significantly in the last 20 years. You can help change that situation by joining us in the fight for a stronger brain tumor research program – that means more federal dollars for brain tumor research, strong support for translational and clinical brain tumor research programs, and enhanced collaboration among brain tumor researchers.
The NABTC is also working to remove barriers to quality care through elimination of the Medicare waiting period. Your voice is needed to persuade Congress to enact legislation to end the two-year waiting period to receive Medicare benefits.
Get involved by joining us in the halls of Congress on May 5 and 6, or by taking action in your community during Brain Tumor Action Week from May 4 to 10. Please go to for more information and to register for the Washington, D.C. advocacy program.
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